Why Do Seniors Need Speech Therapy?

Speech Therapy

There are many different therapies that can help seniors avoid problems as they get older. Seniors should be doing therapies like physical therapy and occupational therapy to help them maintain their mobility. But seniors should also start speech therapy so that they don’t struggle with speaking clearly and swallowing easily later on. As seniors get…

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery: What Should Your Mom Expect After?

Occupational therapy

The median nerve is one of the most prominent nerves in the forearm, wrist, and hand. If that nerve is compressed, it causes a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome where pain, tingling, and numbness limit hand strength and grip. What causes the nerve to compress? Repetitive motions for hours each day can trigger it.…

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How Does Speech Therapy Help With Swallowing?

Speech Therapy

Something as simple as swallowing is more complex than you might think. More than 20 muscles work together as you swallow foods or beverages, and they work in conjunction with messages sent by your brain. The communications between your muscles, nerves, and brain stem make sure food goes down the correct path and doesn’t end…

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4 Types of Therapy That Can Help Seniors Stay Independent

Speech Therapy Glenolden

There’s no doubt that living at home and living independently are important to seniors these days. When polled, a huge number of seniors said that they would prefer to live independently and stay in their own homes as they got older. There are a lot of practical things that seniors have to plan for if…

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