Preventing Senior Depression with Elder Care

Senior Depression: Elder Care Haverford PA

Senior Depression: Elder Care Haverford PA

Seniors face many changes as they age. From the inability to do things they once enjoyed to losing loved ones and friends, it can sometimes feel like they are on a never-ending roller coaster.

Depression may set in as a result of these changes. Providing seniors with extra support through elder care can benefit seniors by reducing the risk of depression, allowing for more open communication, and monitoring the concerns of loved ones.

What Does Depression Look Like in Seniors

At first glance, depression may be challenging to diagnose in seniors. When mixed with chronic conditions or other changes in their lives, depression may be seen as a small part, but it can have a significant impact. Depression may be linked to higher incidences of cardiac disease, difficulty healing after an injury, or even ongoing physical illnesses. Common depressive signs to look for in seniors are listed below.

  • Increased episodes of feeling tired
  • Changes in mood that result in irritability
  • Moments of confusion
  • Withdrawal from beloved activities
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Consistent aches and pains that are not associated with an illness or injury

Monitoring changes in seniors’ attitudes and behavior is crucial for a proper assessment. Skilled elder care professionals are trained to look for signs of depression, which can assist with a timely diagnosis.

Risk Factors for Depression in Seniors

Physical conditions, living situations, and a history of depression all contribute to an increased risk of depression in seniors. Consider the following list of risk factors when assessing depression in seniors.

  • Female seniors
  • Seniors who do not have a partner
  • Seniors without social connections
  • An increase in stress-related events
  • Physical conditions that impact their usual way of life
  • Chronic or severe pain
  • Losing freedoms
  • Medications that increase depression risks

The risks listed are just a sampling. Each senior handles changes differently. It’s important to talk with seniors often about their feelings and concerns to notice signs of depression.

Ways to Handle Depression in Seniors

There are many ways to help seniors work through depression. Additionally, these same tips can be used to prevent depression from occurring. The most important thing to remember is to be consistent and caring. Building a support system that works with seniors to improve their health and well-being is also essential, especially when loved ones aren’t able to be with seniors as often as they would like.

One of the first things to consider in decreasing depression is seniors’ sleep schedule. A lack of or too much sleep can increase depression and other changes in mood or personality. Seniors who live alone may find themselves sleeping at odd times or napping during the day. Adding activities during the day, planned by an elder care team, gives seniors a purpose and eliminates napping.

That sense of purpose also helps decrease depression. Participating in group activities or volunteering outside the home reminds seniors they are worthy and needed. These activities also increase socialization, vital as seniors age and another way to combat depression.

Monitoring signs of depression and creating a schedule that helps seniors feel appreciated is only one of the ways that elder care can improve the life of seniors. They can also assist with cooking and cleaning, improving seniors’ outlook. To ensure seniors’ continued health and well-being, surround them with the support they need.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Elder Care in Haverford, PA, and the surrounding area, please contact the friendly staff at Suma Home Care. (484) 206-4544

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Ibrahim & Mariama Suma-Keita